Safe Homes FAQ
Thank you for your interest in the Safe Homes Parent Network! We are excited to answer some of our frequently asked questions. If you cannot find an answer to your question below, please contact us.
Why should I sign a pledge to declare that I have a Safe Home?Signing the pledge is a way of letting other parents know that you support the ideas in the pledge and are making efforts to uphold it. The pledge is NOT a legally binding contract. As a parent, you cannot control absolutely everything related to your children, but you can demonstrate your commitment to the pledge ideas and encourage other parents to do so.
Why do I need to list my name and phone number in the resource guide?
Being listed in the guide is optional, and you are welcome to sign the pledge without being listed. Putting your name and number on the list lets other parents know that you welcome phone calls when their children will be socializing with yours. It is one step toward making communication among parents easier.
I’ve looked at the list and I know there are people on there who have served minors in the past. What does that mean for the network?
The Safe Homes parent network welcomes all parents who are committed to making the effort to ensure a safe social environment for local youth. We assume that anyone who signs on is doing so in good faith, with the intention of upholding the pledge now, even if they may have made other decisions in the past.
If I join the network and youth drink at my house without my knowledge, will I be removed from the list?No, the network is there to support parents in their efforts, not to punish them. We hope that if something like this happens, you will be able to turn to other network parents for support and to help you in working to ensure that teen social gatherings at your house are substance free.
If I sign the pledge, does that mean that I cannot drink at home?No, this is not the intent of the Safe Homes pledge. It is, however, important for parents to model appropriate behavior (not necessarily abstinence) to their children. This includes showing that adults of legal drinking age may drink moderately, if they choose. Think carefully about how your behavior will be perceived by your children. Make sure you communicate that the drinking age exists to postpone use of alcohol by young people until they reach an age when they are less likely to develop a drinking problem. It is also important to show that excessive drinking is not appropriate at any age.
What happens if my child is going to someone’s house who is not on the list?The Safe Homes Parent Network encourages you to contact that family anyway. See if your child can get a phone number for you. Just because they are not listed does not mean they do not support the pledge. Direct communication is the best way to find out what will be happening at another family’s house.
What if young people are at my house socializing and they want to stay up later than I can? Can I go to sleep and let them stay up?The best solution is for you or another trusted adult to stay up as long as there are young people at your house, especially when you are less familiar with the kids attending. It is important to agree in advance with your child about how late you want friends to stay, and then be awake to stick to it when the time comes. To be able to provide late night supervision, getting some extra rest before the gathering and planning a restful day for yourself afterwards may be helpful.
How can I talk to my kids about not using drugs or alcohol?Safe Homes believes parents in our community are a great source for advice and support, which is one of the reasons for the network! Below are a few additional resources on how to talk to your kids about these issues.
Become a MemberSign the pledge and become part of the Safe Home Parent Network.